
Jimmys Festival Day/Night One

On Saturday night once I'd finished work I rushed home, got changed and bundled in the car with  the boys. Stopping for a quick fast food dinner we then made our way to Jimmys Farm to attend Jimmy's Festival. I went to the Beer and Sausage festival a few years ago, when it was a reasonably small event, so couldn't wait to see how different it was now.

I've been to Jimmy's Farm a few times in the past so sort of know my way there. Spotting the usual route down was closed I was interested to see how well signposted the alternative route was.

The car park was really easy to find, I just found it a little confusing as to where to go as we were camping, so wasn't sure if we had to go in a separate area or car park.
Parking was really easy, we were in the same car park as everyone all visitors to the festival (day and campers) and we got a space close to the campsite area.

As we turned up late it felt a little disorganised with where to go but we got there in the end and then set up our tent. Basically you can go anywhere, and as far as I was aware you weren't limited with the size of your tent and camping area.
There was a nice atmosphere and access to enough portaloo toilets which was ideal.

After we put the tents up, we walked down to the entrance and went to check out what was going on. I liked that despite turning up late we were still able to go in, this is the case for anyone with a wrist band.
The event finished at 10.30 so just before is the latest you can go in.
We realised that Paul Young was on the main stage and with it being dark didn't really want to explore elsewhere so we got a drink from the bar and had a little dance.
I've seen mixed reviews on Paul Young which I actually feel were really unfair. I thought he was great, and we all really enjoyed listening to him. The atmosphere was lovely and everyone else around us seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I had worried that it might be really busy, difficult to keep an eye on the boys...it actually made me feel a little anxious before we went and would usually be something I would avoid but as we love Jimmy's Farm I thought I'd fight that anxiety and see how we got on.
It wasn't cramped or bustling at all. It was busy, but I felt safe, I felt like my children were safe. There was comfortable room to move around.

We walked back to our tents and still, there was a really nice atmosphere. Everyone keeping themselves to themselves, enjoying their evening but not being rowdy. There were some drinking at their tents, having a laugh and a joke but nothing too offensive or enough to wish we weren't camped where we were.
Our only suggestion with camping was that there would maybe be a suggested area for families and an area for those older. Although it wasn't an issue for me for the boys to be around people drinking (and language that adults use) I know that there are people who would be offended by that. However, it wasn't a big deal.

What I wanted to do for each of the days was to write a total spend in terms of cash that I spent that day (not including camping fee or ticket fee). Festivals are known as being expensive so I think it's fair to be realistic and to be honest about what I had spent.

Saturday-only spend was for a Rose wine and orange juice from the Bar. £7. Pint of beer and a pint of coke. £8. Total spend £15.

I will list ticket and camping prices in my next post.

We were invited to Jimmy's Festival for the purpose of this review. We were giving tickets to the Festival and camping for the weekend, however all words are honest and my own.

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