
Sundays #15

Despite having this big plan of moving in and being super organised and tidy and minimalist I am still living in piles of stuff and lots of muddled mess.
My mum offered to come round this Sunday morning to help us out and to spend time with the boys. However as the weather was so nice I suggested us going out to the local Owl Sanctuary and to the adjoining indoor flea market and antiques shop.
I had this thought of putting a new unit in my lounge to put my hi-fi on but was quite specific with what I wanted and what I had in mind.

We had a look at the ducks, turkeys, guinea pigs and owls and then looked in the antiques shop.
Although I didn't find exactly what I had gone there for on that day, I did find a painted, old ladder which I am now using in my bathroom as a towel rail, and also a dressing table style mirror which had also been painted up, so I was pleased with my purchases.

My mum treated us to an ice cream and we drove home so she could get back to her house.
After this I went shopping with the boys. We popped to get some bits for dinner and also needed to get food for lunch which we decided would be a picky lunch. It was a lovely lunch we went for and both boys ended up trying something new which was good!

We had then planned to watch a film together but both boys were engrossed in their tablets and I ended up having a nap on the sofa.
The rest of the night was dinner, bath, and bed routine and pretty relaxed. I went to bed early as I was shattered, even though we hadn't really done anything too busy.

Things I’ve done recently to improve my Wellbeing - #1 Reading

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