
TT2017 | "Bucket List"

This will be my third year at the TT and visiting the Isle of Man. The first year I was there for just 5 days, but managed to visit some beautiful places in betwee getting my first real indication of what TT Racing/Practise is like. 
Last year, staying there a little longer and being there for race week meant a different experience, although equally as good as the first if not better because we got to explore more. 

This year I am driving over so am not "restricted" when it comes to travelling around the island. Before my only, well main, form of transport was my brothers motorbike, and this year having my car means I have a little more freedom if I want to go and do something and to let him and his girlfriend have time to themselves.

Last year I had two things on my "TT Bucket List/Wish List". Get a tattoo and meet William Dunlop. 
Both of those I did, even going one extra and meeting Michael Dunlop too...which is what started my obsession with him. 

This year I am going for longer, almost two weeks. And having my own transport means I can add a few more things to my list, so I decided to make a TT Bucket List, only of 10 things but all achieveable and will definitely add to my experience.

1. Watch a sunrise

2. Watch a sunset

3. Try Manx Kippers

4. Get a tattoo

5. Meet 5 riders

6. Meet Liam Beckett

7. Visit the Mann Cat Sanctuary

8. Visit a castle

9. Paddle in the sea

10. Learn 5 things about the history of the island and 5 things about the history of the TT

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