
School Holidays Week Four | Relaxing and New Experiences

Week four of the summer holidays seemed quite different to the rest. We had a few plans due to my brother being home but headaches caused those plans to fail and instead we had a few days at home catching up on Disney films, rediscovering how much fun Brio track is, and just slowing down in general.
After such an incredible week with my nanny and then saying goodbye to her I did feel really fragile this week and just needed some time to catch my breath and to be able to cry if I needed to.

The best day this week was the Wednesday. My brother sent me a message in the morning inviting me and the boys along to Norwich to go to Nandos and to the cinema, his treat. It was so lovely to spend time together. I've said it a lot but I adore my brother and he is such a good Uncle. All I heard in the morning was that neither boy wanted to sit next to me in the cinema, they just wanted to sit next to Uncle Dale.

So once we were full of Nandos we headed to the cinema. We took full advantage of Orange Wednesdays and managed to get us all in super cheap by putting it through two separate transactions (adult + adult in one, child + child in another).
This was Harry's first ever trip to the cinema and he was amazed when he saw the massive screen. The trailers seemed to go on forever and, not understanding the concept of 'ssshhhh' in a cinema Harry made it known that he was getting impatient for the film to start. "When's Planes coming on? Where's it?"
Both boys enjoyed the film, and the big chairs. And it was lovely to be able to experience Harry's first cinema trip not only with Charles, but also with my brother.

The rest of the week was again quiet. On the Saturday my brother popped round for the morning and we played football outside with the boys. On the road. Oh yeah, old skool.
It really brought back old memories of when I was little and playing out in the alley with my brother and our other neighbours.

One of my other highlights of the week was Charles blogging. He had woken up at around 11 o clock and came downstairs to find me writing up the review of his Frugi coat. I explained what my blog is and why he gets things sent to him and he was really interested. He asked if he could write something on the post so he wrote the disclosure at the bottom.

Things I’ve done recently to improve my Wellbeing - #1 Reading

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