
This Week in 5 | 25.1-31.1

Last year I started a little project called 'Happy Sunday'. Every Sunday I wrote about things that had made me happy that week.
This year I wanted to try something different and just basically want to look back at 5 things in the week that meant something to me, that happened, that I want to remember.

Last Sunday my brother was due to go back to Reading in the evening and we'd had plans to go bowling. My mum and brother were tired so that plan was scrapped. I needed to pop to Matalan to get some new bowls so asked my mum if she wanted to come too. Harry came with us and my brother asked if he could look after Charles. Harry was so well behaved which was wonderful and of course meant we got to shop stress free.
I've wanted to buy some flat black boots for a while as the only ones I have are quite high. I especially wanted these for our holiday in April so thought it would be worth looking at the sales in Outfit. I saw some boots I liked but nothing I LOVED, although I did spot a beautiful oversized scarf which I couldn't resist, and was something else I really wanted for my holiday.
We then went into TKMaxx and I found the most beautiful boots. They were slightly out of my strict low £20 budget but thanks to a loan from the bank of mum I was able to get them.

I had to go and see my doctor again this week, as a follow on to the appointment I had with him a couple of weeks ago. I always feel nervous before I go in but there really is no need to be. My doctor is so incredibly supportive and I can tell him anything. We decided that I don't need to increase my anti-depressants further, however last time I was given some beta blockers for panic attacks and he has told me to increase these and to take 2 a day, rather than 1 when I feel a bit panicky. I didn't realise that these are only effective for 6-8 hours so it explains why I have felt so on edge recently.

For so long I have wanted a Breton stripe top. I know Joules sell them of course but I am tight and I just couldn't justify spending over £20 on a top I may not wear much. I then went on the George website and found this top for £3!! Bargain hey?! I think this will be perfect for the boat in the Summer, worn with some shorts.

On Friday afternoon once Harry and I had got back from collecting Charles from school we decided to go to Pizza Hut for dinner. Not good for the diet but the boys were so excited and I thought it would be a nice treat.
We were amazed at how well behaved they both were. Charles amazed us even more by ordering ham on his pizza and eating it!! He has never eaten ham before or when he has tried it has spat it out.
It was such a lovely time, made even better by Harry showing off what a big fan of Sam Smith he is by randomly singing "I Know I'm not The Only One". Harry has this wonderful way of just picking up songs immediately and he has such a lovely singing voice.

And lastly, I am super excited that I'm going to Britmums Live this year. I sold my ticket recently and the reason for that was because I wanted to be behind the scenes and to be part of the team at the conference rather than as a blogger attending. On Tuesday I had confirmation that I will be a room moderator this year. I really cannot wait, and have been envious of the moderators the last two years so it is a dream come true to be able to do it myself!
I definitely have not already thought about my outfits....nope, not at all. (Ok, I have!)

Things I’ve done recently to improve my Wellbeing - #1 Reading

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