
Chilli Chorizo Spaghetti {Recipe}

I find I can be quite uninspired when it comes to meals.
Cottage pie, pizza, spaghetti bologneise, curry, pie, roast chicken, sausage and mash.

Every now and then I'll get an idea, and cook something from scratch.
My Carbonara is probably my favourite thing to cook because it's easy and can be adapted in many different ways. But I don't want that to be my only speciality dish.

Inspired by the starter when we went out for our anniversary I bought a selection of ingredients and hoped for the best.
My starter was: King Prawn, Calamari and Chorizo in a chilli oil (obviously written a lot better on the menu but you get the rough idea).
My husband doesn't like Calamari and I forgot to buy the King Prawns but it was yummy without those.
I don't tend to keep note of measurements and amounts as I like to always make things up so excuse the lack of numbers here.

You will need:

Chorizo (I used a Chorizo ring)
Red Onions (2)
Sun blushed cherry tomatoes
Chilli oil
Red wine (4 dessert spoons)

First finely chop and fry your red onions, I used two.
Chop up some Chorizo and add it to the onions. Fry for around 15 minutes.
Start cooking your spaghetti at this time.
One the Chorizo is cooked add the tomatoes and mozzarella. Mine came in a pack together so I don't have amounts but you don't want to use too much mozzarella as it does clump up once mixed with the spaghetti. Add the red wine too.
Once your spaghetti is cooked, drain it and then return to the saucepan and drizzle with chilli oil (as much as you like).
Mix the spaghetti into the Chorizo mixture.

Serve on a plate and top with finely grated parmesan.


Y for the a-z challenge...YUM!

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