
Pretty Marshmallow Cakes

For Charles' First Birthday we had a little party for him at home. We decided to lay on a buffet style spread of sandwiches, crisps, Nigellas mouth-watering Cocktail Sausages [these were a huge hit and were gone within seconds!] chocolate rice krispie cakes etc
I wanted something fun to make too. Something that would be colourful, pretty, and uber tasty.
I found this recipe on the Nigella .Com website and had to make them!

You will need:
  • 45g butter
  • 300g mini marshmallows
  • 180g Rice Krispies
  • Edible glitter or sprinkles

  1. Melt the butter in a large, heavy-based saucepan over a low heat.
  2. Add the marshmallows and cook gently until they are completely melted and blended, stirring constantly.
  3. Take the pan off the heat and immediately add the cereal, mixing lightly until well coated.
  4. Press the mixture into a greased 32cm x 23cm tin [I just placed greaseproof paper in the nearest tin I could find and they came out fine!] You may have to put on vinyl CSI gloves and press it down into the corners, as it will be very sticky. Flatten the top and then scatter over the edible glitter or sprinkles, if so inclined.
  5. Let the marshmallow crispy squares cool completely in the tin and then cut them into squares.
These were also a hit and the adults enjoyed them as much as the children. They can be sticky and a tiny bit messy so make sure you have some baby wipes at the ready.

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